Our Services

Marketing, planning, strategy, and implementation of content related products and services through varied delivery mechanisms (web, mobile, print, etc.) including electronic books & journals, databases, live events, online learning, mobile applications, and social media.

All phases of project execution including business case development, project definition & scoping, project structure, vendor selection process definition & management, vendor evaluation, communication planning " execution, executive reporting, etc.

Requirements gathering & analysis, process definition, Request for Proposal (RFP) creation and management, and vendor proposal evaluation

Assessing & managing the impact of change on staff, customers, and business operations.

Strategic guidance, leadership, and engagement on projects and initiatives in support of busy executives.

Sample Projects

Assisted multiple publishers in defining their product strategy and implementation approach. These engagements included the interpretation of market research and competitive analysis, exploring partnerships and collaborations, assessing organizational impact, change management considerations, process engineering, technology evaluation, and managing the development and delivery of new products.

Have led multiple projects with various publishers to evaluate and select technology vendors. Projects include requirements and use case definition, Request for Proposal (RFP) creation, RFP evaluation process creation and management, and proposal analysis and recommendations.

Our areas of expertise include evaluating: Content Management Technologies, Content Hosting & Delivery Platforms, Taxonomy Creation & Management, Authoring Tools, Mobile Product Development.

Led the effort at a commercial publishing company, to accelerate their migration from a print-only focus to consideration of multiple products delivered through print, online, and mobile platforms. Our team defined the content strategy, facilitated the revision of editorial and production workflows, defined the content model, facilitated content conversion, and supported the publisher as they staffed to accommodate new skills and authoring tools.

Led the efforts to define and implement measurable content strategies in order to create flexible content management environments that increase content reuse, discoverability, and monetization.